Garage Projects

The Lone Ranger – Painting the Bed

Big day today, this fellow came over and promptly ran into my truck…
Sara L.: Build and Misc &emdash;

After which, he got to work throwing paint on this in hastily thrown up Paint booth:
Sara L.: Build and Misc &emdash;

Tack coat:
Sara L.: Build and Misc &emdash;

Somewhere inbetween:
Sara L.: Build and Misc &emdash;
Sara L.: Build and Misc &emdash;

Last coat:
Sara L.: Build and Misc &emdash;
Sara L.: Build and Misc &emdash;

Turned out pretty good save for the dirt that came in on the last coat (The Three sided Paint booth isn’t without its flaws 😆 ) But it’ll work just fine for what it’s going to see in the future.

I’ll get it slapped on the back of the truck here in the near future. Right now I’m still tidying up some of the loose ends in the rear right now.

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