Hiking Myron and Sonya Glassberg Conservation Area
The Glassberg Family Conservation Area is one of the newest in Missouri. The park opened in 2012 thanks to a donation from the Glassberg family. Myron and Sonya were both active conservationists who promoted a healthy appreciation for the outdoors. Their legacy lives on in this beautiful spot of nature. This site along with LaBarque Creek and Young Conservation Areas preserve the quality of the ecologically diverse LaBarque Creek Watershed. Two trails have been developed with the main trail being…
Best St. Louis Area Hiking Books
Have you been wanting to take a hike but don’t know the best places to visit around St. Louis? Maybe you want to find a trail that is kid friendly or one that is not likely to be crowded. Maybe you have seen local pictures of a hiking trail with a beautiful waterfall or stunning overlook and want to know how to get there. The one hiking question I’m asked over and over is how exactly do I find all…