2011 WY/MT Trip – Day 8
Today we two-laned it from East Glacier to Billings MT, and then rode the interstates to Custer SD. About 12 hours total of windshield time today. Heading out to Glacier to Billings: We stopped at this greasy spoon for lunch, it was some fine eat’n! Saw this Cat cruising around Billings: Billings to SD: And crossing into SD: That’s all for today! On to Day 9
2011 WY/MT Trip – Day 7
Today we grabbed a rental car as we had planned on heading up to Canada to look around Waterton. The wife was worried that customs might not care for the truck too much, so whatever. It didn’t hurt that the econo box we rented pulled off 40 mpg, which is a bit better than the 15 ish I’ve been getting with the truck. So we covered 200 miles today: Our first stop of the day had us going back into…
2011 WY/MT Trip – Day 6
Today was a day of our longest (well, steepest anyway) hike. That being, the hike to Grinnell Glacier off of Many Glaciers Road. Daily Travel: Cruising into the park: We did wind up cheating a little bit on the hike. You can either walk the extra distance around the lakes, or you can take a couple of boat rides to get to the trail head. Since we knew our hike was 4.2 miles each way (and 1,569ft of elevation gain)…
2011 Wyoming/Montana Trip – Day 5
Wednesday got a little messed up. When walking out of the diner from breakfast, I noticed that the front wheels weren’t sitting ‘right’. I knew that one side had the ball joints going on it, but the other side should have been fine. So I jacked it up and yup, both sides need Ball joints. This puts a wrinkle in things as I don’t really have a good way to swap those joints out, save for beating it with a…
2011 Wyoming/Montana Trip – Day 4
Tuesday We put some serious miles in during one day, 479 miles to be exact traveling from Jackson WY to East Glacier in one shot: As you can see from the map, we did some running around Bozeman MT to try to find a caliper bracket in hopes of fixing my brake woes. Unfortunately, after calling and stopping by every parts store in town, I was out of luck. So off to Home Depot we went to gather supplies to…