The Mighty Merc – Front Winch Bumper
Being able to self-recover is something I try to strive for with my builds. In that vein, I make it a point to fit a winch to the front of my toys. I will admit that it doesn’t get used that often, but when it does, it’s a big help! The goal was to tuck the winch in as tight to the body as I could in hopes that I could reuse the stock bumper cover for a cleaner look…
The Lone Ranger – Rear Bumper Air Tank
The rear bumper isn’t anything special, Just some ¼” wall 4×5 that Is capped off to be an air tank in the future (If I remember my measurements right, its about a 4 gallon tank size) . I took the center section to work and milled a hole for the receiver mount. After that was completed, I burned on the end caps and receiver: And burned on the truck: At this point I started playing with the side tubes some.…
The Lone Ranger – Stinger
I finally got around to finishing up the front bumper with the addition of a stinger. This took a little longer than I thought it would to get it to look right, but I’m happy with the overall results. Bent up a hoop and played around with the placement of it: So much for being able to walk around the truck with the garage door closed (and it only fits in the garage one way now): It was a little…
The Lone Ranger – Front bumper main structure
It was a bit of a road to get here, but I finally settled on a design for the front. Just to recap, I went through more than a few versions to figure out exactly what I wanted. Starting with V1 (Right) and V2 (Left): I then ditched those two ideas and started on the V3 with the main supports: Added the outer potions: Still wasn’t happy with that (seemed to big). So onto V4, I kept the same center…
The Lone Ranger – Front Bumper Guessing
I started playing with some ideas for my front bumper tonight. I was having difficulty trying to figure out how to make the front bumper not seem retardedly huge. With the help of the wife, I think I’ve got a decent concept to work on. The issue is that I’m trying to meet IL lift law, which states 27” in the front for my GVWR. The lower part of my winch plate currently meets that: That’s cool, but as you…