• Trips

    8th ORT SIJA Jeep Jam at SMORR – 5-5-12

    The wife and I made the trek down to SMORR for the 2012 Jeep Jam put on by SIJA, which was also occurred the same time that the Ford Invasion was going on. We covered 13 miles in the park mostly running around on trails that I hadn’t been on before (some 2’s and 3’s with some 4’s for good measure). Since the wife came along, that means that there are some photos of the truck for a change. We…

  • Trips

    7th ORT Washita MX – 4/21/12

    I didn’t have my camera, but my friend grabbed a few with his phone. Minimal damage for me this trip out (Broken door handle, and roached motor mounts). The CJ that was with us managed to sheaer the bolts off his high steer arm on the back side of the park, so we made a long afternoon of dragging him back out. Turned out to not be that big of an ordeal, but it took some time: Travel: Group Shot:…

  • Off Road Trips

    6th ORT Interlake SRA – 3/12/12

    There was a pop up run this past Saturday out at Interlake. We didn’t get to wheel all day due to an early breakdown (at a gas station parking lot no less) when the 1 ton XJ managed to snap a ptiman arm. Even with the delay, we covered nearly 10 miles (including the new trail 19). The park continues to improve every time I go out there with signage and such. We were surprised at how dry it was…

  • Trips

    5th ORT Washita MX 11-19-11

    My neighbor and I ran down to Washita this past Saturday and met up the SJIA group. Since the neighbor was along for the ride, I got a plethora of photos out of the deal. I won’t post them all in this thread, but this link has the rest (there’s about 300 photos or so): Link to all the photos here (click) Somehow I got elected to lead this group around the park again, so we wandered through A-4, up…

  • Garage Projects,  Trips

    4th ORT – SMORR 10-15-11

    Well we made it down to SMORR again for their “SMORR in the fall” event. Which mostly just entailed us wandering around SMORR again. The truck did fairly well, but it was not without some downfalls. Travel: For the better part of the day, the wife and I followed the rasin: And Casper the invisible Cherokee: Random Shots from the day: At some point after lunch, Casper bugged out and we started playing around with a couple of buggy type…