The Mighty Merc – 4th ORT – SMORR on 10/14/17
After the successful CO trip under our belts, it was time to start beating on this thing a bit. So on lucky Friday the 13th, I loaded up solo to meet some friends down at SMORR in Seymour Mo. Burned out of St. Louis on the back roads: And pulled into SMORR with just enough time to slap the tent up before nightfall: As daylight broke the next morning, I was amazed to see how full the campground was. There…
27th ORT in The Lone Ranger– SMORR 10-11-14
Still beating this thing around… this was one very wet weekend! While I was looking forward to camping this weekend, I wasn’t too upset that we wussed out and hotel camped. We met up with the usual group + Bray at the part and covered about 8 miles worth of trails: Even with the light rain throughout the day, it was still a good time, and there was decent traction throughout the park: The YJ just wanted to nap: All…
25th ORT in The Lone Ranger – SMORR 6-21-14
We headed down to SMORR with several folks from SIJA and MO4wd. Some familiar faces and some strangers. Good times were had. Lots of photos in the link below: Slideshow of all the photos (Click Me!) Loaded up the truck and went to work on Friday, patiently waiting for the bell to ring to head South: We had to make a quick stop in Rolla for some grub and check out the XJ’s steering. It turned out that the ram…
17th ORT in The Lone Ranger– SIJA Jeep Jam at SMORR 5-18-13
We covered around 15 miles worth of trails Saturday, staying mostly on 2’s and 3’s since my wife wasn’t feeling 100%. We did manage to play around on Larry’s hill a little bit, but with things being so wet, it wasn’t happening. The fog was thick as we took the back roads down to SMORR:
8th ORT SIJA Jeep Jam at SMORR – 5-5-12
The wife and I made the trek down to SMORR for the 2012 Jeep Jam put on by SIJA, which was also occurred the same time that the Ford Invasion was going on. We covered 13 miles in the park mostly running around on trails that I hadn’t been on before (some 2’s and 3’s with some 4’s for good measure). Since the wife came along, that means that there are some photos of the truck for a change. We…