• Garage Projects

    The Lone Ranger – Rear Frame Trim and Bed Spacers

    Since 14.5” was cut out of the front of the bed, I needed to cut out a chunk of the rear frame to get it tucked back under the bed again. If you recall, the first time I put the bed on the back of the truck, it had the frame hanging out like this: So it started out looking like this: I removed 11.5” From the rear (that’s as much as I could cut off and still get the…

  • Garage Projects

    The Lone Ranger – Painting the Bed

    Big day today, this fellow came over and promptly ran into my truck… After which, he got to work throwing paint on this in hastily thrown up Paint booth: Tack coat: Somewhere inbetween: Last coat: Turned out pretty good save for the dirt that came in on the last coat (The Three sided Paint booth isn’t without its flaws 😆 ) But it’ll work just fine for what it’s going to see in the future. I’ll get it slapped on…

  • Garage Projects

    The Lone Ranger – Test fitting the bed

    A few big steps today! The first being that the truck moves under its own power again, which allowed me to move it around enough to slap the bed back on it Back outside for the first time in a few weeks (Double low is sweet btw): Robs came by and gave me a hand getting the bed on the truck. I’m extremely happy with how it turned out. Note: The gap between the bed and cab is a little…

  • Garage Projects

    The Lone Ranger – Bed Bob

    Guest post by Rob He wanted 14-1/2″ bob’ed… Worked out well that the outside was 1″ back (this kept the seam rigid).. And the inside was 2″ back.. this aligns with the double seam under the bed for strength… Just used a 4″ grinder with a cut off wheel. Use PPE and take your time. it can be very straight… 14-1/2″ later… at the bottom LEAVE some steel because the flair at the front is not as large as at…