The Lone Ranger – Rear Frame Trim and Bed Spacers
Since 14.5” was cut out of the front of the bed, I needed to cut out a chunk of the rear frame to get it tucked back under the bed again.
If you recall, the first time I put the bed on the back of the truck, it had the frame hanging out like this:
So it started out looking like this:
I removed 11.5” From the rear (that’s as much as I could cut off and still get the BII tank behind the axle):
Once that was done, I made up some spacers to make the bed sit level again. The rearmost spacers are 1.375” tall, The next set is ¼” tall, the third set is 2” tall, and the last set (closest to the cab) is ¾” tall. You can somewhat see them in this photo:
Now when we put the bed on there, it looks like this:
And yeah, if you’re paying attention, the paint on the bed is quite a bit lighter than the cab, so a respray is going to happen this weekend.