Welding Cart 2.0
After using the heck out of my small welding cart/fab table I finally moved up in the world. I sold my old faithful red box machine to a friend and upgraded to a 220v Twecco Fabricator 211i machine.
When measured out, I thought I could still use the same cart I did for my smaller welder. It turned out not to be:
It was time for a new cart. I knew I wanted something with drawers on it as I needed something to help contain the miscellaneous fabrication equipment I have scattered throughout the garage. I came across this rolling chest from Home Depot for under $100 which fit the bill nicely:
So I used it in its above state for some time until I had a chance to build a proper cart for it. So I took a pile of metal:
Painted it all up and assembled everything:
I’d say the cart it 95% where I want it to be right now. I’d like to do something to better managed the cables, but for now it will do. It also worked out ass planned that the thing will fit nicely in the same spot as the old cart while better using the space: