
Colorado 2018 – Granby area in the Mighty Merc. – Day 2

The next day we woke up (or I should say the kids woke us up) nice and early. We headed out to the Grand Lake area to grab some breakfast and watch the sun come up:
Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

There was a parking lot full of fun next to the breakfast joint, we would bump into this group off and on throughout the weekend and get the pleasure of hearing them rip up and down the mountainside:
Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

For whatever reason, the altitude hit us hard on the trip this year, and we were feeling it pretty good on the first day. Towards the end of the trip, we acclimated a bit better, but it was still a little rough. So not feeling our best, we opted for some easy hikes on the first day starting with Adams Falls just outside of Grand Lake. I started out with the little girl on my back, but it wasn’t long before both kids wanted to walk along with Nana and Papa:
Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

We did stumble upon a moose on the way up. Those things are big!
Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

The light wasn’t playing nice at the falls so it was hard to get a good shot:
Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

We continued on up the trail for a bit:
Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

Until we got to a nice clearing:
Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

From there we turned around and wandered up to the Rocky Mountain National Park to run around the Coyote Valley Trail for a bit:
Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

And then over to the Holzwarth Historic Site:
Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

The kids had fun exploring the old cabins and farm ruins:
Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

By the end of that easy hike, the kids were pretty worn out and would lay down every chance they could get:
Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

Since we were so close, we went ahead and drove up to one of the overlooks by the Alpine Center before heading back to town for dinner:
Sara L.: Day 2 - Saturday &emdash;

Onto Day 3

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