The Lone Ranger – Front SAS – Front Shock Mounts
Using some 2” x 2” x ¼” wall tube, I made up some quick axle shock mounts:
(hmm… looks like those photos were ate by the internet, just us your imagination)..
I then used some 3” channel to make the frame side shock mounts:
After those were burned together, I slapped them on the truck. I’ll probably wind up adding a gusset or two to the frame side, but I’ll hold off until I get a chance to flex it out first (less to cut off if I goofed on something):
And with the Shock installed, you can also see the bump stop hanging out there as well (again, that’ll wind up with another gusset after I confirm its where I want it to be):
The shocks came off my old XJ, and are setup with 3” up and 6” down worth of travel. I wanted to allow for a bit more up travel, but there wasn’t any room without moving some things around. So it’ll either be cool, or I’ll swap them out with something else.